Aged leads are a less expensive alternative to brand new leads. They can be a good option to avoid spending a lot of money on new leads. These are prospects that may already have been approached and haven’t bought the first time. In the insurance business using aged leads is common because people often need to be marketed to a number of times before buying insurance. Insurance is not an immediate gratification type of item, so the benefits of a particular insurance type need to be pitched clearly and often repeatedly.
Aged leads especially need to be followed up with conscientiously and persistently. The following are a few ways to follow up with aged insurance leads:
Ordinary Email Marketing
E-mail marketing is one of the best ways to marked to aged leads in insurance and in many other industries. People read their emails every day and will often respond to an email where they would hang up on a telemarketer from the same company. Remember, aged leads are people who either said no or ignored a marketing communication the first time, so it’s a good idea to use less pushy tactics.
Drip E-Mail Campaigns
Drip e-mail campaigns are ones that send emails over time. These are effective for gradually acclimating prospects to your marketing presence. People may ignore the emails the first few times, but will read them after a while and begin to absorb facts about your insurance business as they do so. Drip e-mail campaigns are often a very good strategy for insurance marketing.
Add Value
Remember to add value in these emails. This means offering the customer something on top of the perceived value of the insurance itself for little or no extra money. This could be anything from offering an inexpensive gift items, such as a mug or a key chain, to quick online insurance quotes. The point is to make the customer feel that they are getting extra value at no cost to them, and that it is something that the competition does not necessarily offer. This can work especially well with aged insurance leads because they feel that value is being added to change their mind about the lack of interest they showed before.
Being friendly and personal is always a good idea in marketing and the world of insurance is no different. Make marketing messages address the actual person rather than the fact that they are merely on an email list. You can even say something about how you know they turned the email down the first time but you would like to tell them why you think the insurance may be right for them in their particular situation.
One thing to keep in mind is the formatting of marketing emails. Sometimes an email client will reject HTML or the customer has HTML disabled. This may have even been why the prospect did not show interest the first time. You should include a text only option with emails and in general be consistent with your email formatting so that people trust the email source.