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The Automatic Marketing Tactics That Can Boost Your Aged Leads Business

Troy Wilson
By Troy Wilson
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5 minute read
⚠️ Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this article is accurate, neither its authors nor Aged Lead Store accepts responsibility for any errors or omissions. The content of this article is for general information only, and is not intended to constitute or be relied upon as legal advice.

Automatic Marketing TacticsThe sales market has changed so much in the last ten years, it’s unbelievable. But change is often for the better, and new automatic marketing tactics are helping many sales professionals reach and nurture their leads with greater efficiency and success. Aged leads, who often need a few touches to convert, are well served by such tactics.

So if your business relies on nurturing a high volume of leads efficiently, I’d highly recommend this strategy. In this post, I will introduce you to three new technologies available for automating your marketing.

End-to-End Mobile Email Marketing

Everyone today has a smartphone in their pocket. Automated marketing to aged leads through email, of course, isn’t a new trick — but making sure the entire lead interaction is optimized for mobile marketing is.

The latest data says 57% of email is opened on a mobile device. That figure is up more than 180% over three years and looks set to continue gaining market share. Most leads opening your email are doing so on a phone or tablet — and they hate when your message doesn’t display properly on that medium. 69% delete an email for that reason alone.

Importantly, it’s not just your email that needs to be optimized for mobile. Your email CTA needs to lead to a mobile landing page, mobile lead gen form, or mobile-friendly white paper. The C-Suite particularly loves mobile devices, and up to 90% of Chief People Officers evaluating your pitch for a new company health insurance plan could be viewing it on a phone or tablet. Data says 35% of execs have passed on an intended purchase because the website didn’t work on their phone.

Marketo recommends making your automated email campaigns mobile-friendly:

  • CTAs ideally above the fold, with big buttons (44×44 pixels) easily tap-able by fat fingers.
  • Fields optimized for mobile inbox display (23-character From fields, 38-character Subject lines).
  • Click-throughs to mobile-friendly and mobile-optimized landing pages and lead forms.

SMS Text Messages and MMS Multimedia Messages

Texting is one of the preferred means of communications today, and businesses are getting in on the action. 90% of texts are opened within three minutes of receipt (compared to 90 minutes for email). And more texts are opened than email — 98% versus 22%. One study even found SMS was eight times more effective for engagement that email.

MMS — text messages that include visuals, GIFs, or other media, tie in with a multi-channel marketing campaign, or link through to social media — can offer a richer experience for the same SMS text message audience. Click-through rates are 15% higher, and campaign opt-ins are 20% higher than SMS.

For automated marketing through SMS and MMS, remember that this is a direct and personal form of marketing. Marketo recommends:

  • Text under 160 characters.
  • No slang and no abbreviations.
  • Remember to offer value, with a clear CTA.
  • Make clear who is sending the message.

NOTE: Don’t forget about TCPA regulations, which do apply to SMS and MMS marketing. Make sure leads have adequate notice, opt-in consent, and clear opt-out options. 

Text messages should never be sent to aged leads as the first method of contact but rather only for follow up after contact has already been made by email or phone and the consumer have at that point requested to receive follow ups by text message.

Ringless Voicemail

Another automated marketing option, direct-to-voicemail or “ringless” voicemails (RVM) are gaining ground in some sales sectors. The process works by sending your pre-recorded voicemail directly to the landline voicemail server assigned to your lead’s cell phone number. Thus it complies with TCPA wireless prohibitions because it does not touch the wireless network and does not charge the customer for the call. It doesn’t even show up on their bill as an inbound call.

Ringless voicemail has some advantages over live agent outbound calls. Inbound return calls can be as high as 7% to 11%. One agent even reported 150 call-backs a day. Your best agents can avoid fatigue with cold outbound calls and instead focus on fielding and closing hot inbound leads. Lastly, RVM has the advantage of never interrupting the lead. They will check their voicemail and receive your message on their schedule.

If you’re going to try out RVM, Stratics Networks recommends:

  • A message length of 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Using your normal tone of voice.
  • Lead with info relevant for and engaging to your prospect.
  • Make your RVM campaign ultra-specific for best results.

NOTE: While RVM has a lower consumer complaint rate than live cold calls, it’s still important to follow TCPA regulations and any local telemarketing regulations for your area.

Final Thoughts

Automated marketing tactics like mobile-optimized email and ringless voicemail offer the best of both worlds. They’re effective and efficient means of reaching out to a large volume of aged leads who may need multiple touches to convert and close, and they’re tailored for the modern consumer, who likes marketing messages on their terms, on their timeline, and on their mobile device. These and other mobile and automated marketing strategies can help take your sales prospecting to the next level and are worth a look for those agents ready to take their business to the next level.

Ready to get more clients for your insurance business? Fill up your pipeline with a fresh supply of high-quality aged insurance leads from The Aged Lead Store. You’ll find thousands of sortable aged leads, ready to boost your sales, whether your business is auto, life, health, health supplement or homeowners insurance, annuities, auto warranty coverage, mortgage refinance, or solar installation.

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Troy Wilson

About Troy Wilson

Troy is the CEO and founder of Aged Lead Store. He has been in the lead generation industry for over two decades. His blog posts focus on how to refine your sales process and get the most out of your insurance leads, mortgage leads, and solar leads.

Further Reading