As a sales professional, you’re always looking for new ways to push your productivity to the next level. You know that doing so will help you close more deals — and that’s your ultimate goal.
Unfortunately, there will be times when you struggle to reach your peak performance. This can result from endless rejection, burnout, or a challenge you’re facing outside the office.
The good news is that you have the power to change your attitude and increase your motivation in a matter of minutes — just by listening to the words of others who have faced similar challenges.
If you are having difficulty understanding how to get clients for insurance business growth, know that your mindset is key. You may not always be able to have the best aged leads success, but your attitude can help you make it through the tough days and shine on your best days.
This article features 12 of the most inspiring quotes about the sales process and sales productivity. With these, you’ll have more motivation to do your best day after day.
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1. “Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die.” – Brian Vaszily
We all stumble or get knocked down at one time or another. But as Vaszily points out, each time you get back up you grow a little stronger, a little tougher, and a little more experienced.
Try not to think of negative experiences as problems; think of them as growth opportunities.
2. “Good ideas are common — what’s uncommon are people who will work hard enough to bring them about.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
You are probably sitting on some good ideas right now, yourself. Maybe you think you don’t have the talent, skill, or stamina to bring them into being — but you’ll never know unless you try.
Today, pick one new idea that appeals to you and commit to taking just one small step towards making it a reality.
3. “It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have a chance to forget you.” – Patricia Fripp
Just like you, your clients lead busy, complicated lives.
“Out of sight” often means “out of mind” — unless your initial sales presentation is strong and your follow-up is persistent. The more memorable you can make yourself to clients, the easier the sales process will be.
4. “Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn
Many salespeople worry because they feel they have never been well-trained for their jobs. The truth is that the best way to learn something is to do it — again, and again, and again. Whether or not you make your sale, each client contact can teach you something valuable about the sales process.
5. “It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.” – Richard DeVos
Woody Allen said much the same thing when he noted that 80% of success was “just showing up.”
It’s true that every time you make a call, you could get turned down flat. However, it’s equally true that unless you make those calls, you’ll never convert prospects into customers.
Use this quote for motivation on the days when you feel like it just isn’t worth fighting anymore.
6. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Mayer
Chances are good that when you hear about people becoming an “overnight success,” their success really didn’t happen overnight at all. It happened because they put in the hard work and long, lonely hours to hone their skills until they were able to become productive and successful.
7. “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s important to learn from your mistakes, but it’s just as important to learn from the mistakes of others. Become a more productive salesperson by talking to your manager and colleagues about the mistakes that have held them back in the past.
By learning from the mistakes of others, you can avoid making them yourself.
8. “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson
Sales professionals who watch the clock will never reach their full potential. They’re wishing the day away as opposed to “working until the buzzer.” Ignoring the clock will push your productivity to new heights. It’s a simple but powerful change.
9. “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins
Every sales professional should set goals. It gives you something to strive for. It helps you track your progress. And as Tony Robbins says, it allows you to turn the invisible into the visible.
10. “Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.” – Norman Ralph Augustine
You may not be the best salesperson on your team or in your industry, but you can make up for a lack of talent through motivation and determination. When you’re motivated to do your best, you’ll find a way to reach your goals.
11. “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.” – Florence Nightingale
Nobody is answering my phone calls. All my leads are dead. Someone just beat me to a sale.
It’s easy to make excuses as a salesperson, but doing so will only bog you down.
12. “All great achievements require time.” – Maya Angelou
You want to make sales now, not later. It’s good that you’re motivated to close more deals, but it takes time to do so. For example, it takes an average of eight cold call attempts to reach a prospect.
If you’re unwilling to put in the time, you’ll miss out on some of your greatest achievements.
As you stare down the sales process today, think about these quotes. Remember, it is within your power to decide if you are going to have a good day or a bad day. Choose good!
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