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Catch the Mortgage Customer Searching for the Best Leads

By Troy Wilson
2 minute read
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The best mortgage leads are those generated as a result of marketing online. Lenders spend far less money with online marketing campaigns as there is no cost per individual contacted and once the work is done, it’s done. Lenders have had to make significant changes to their marketing techniques over the past decade as a result of the internet and the fact that most Americans are now doing almost all of their research for mortgages online.

Having access to hundreds of lenders who are trying to get their business with competitive rates and loan benefits means that consumers have definitely benefited from internet marketing campaigns. The goal is to catch the mortgage customer searching for the best rates available and to catch their attention immediately.

As interest rates have settled at a decade low in the past year, lenders are able to attract leads with these rates. Whether someone is looking to buy a home or refinance a current mortgage loan, they are looking for the lowest possible interest rate. The more a lender makes their rates known, the best mortgage leads they will generate.

A mortgage lead is what happens when a potential borrower first contacts a lender for information. This could be through a phone call, a walk in visit or through a request for more information form on a website. Lenders need to convert these leads to customers and they will work hard to get a borrower financed for excellent mortgage programs once they have made that first contact.

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Low rates have been good for lenders, as they are able to convert more leads to customers than every before. This includes the number of leads they get for refinance as well as those from first time home buyers. Marketing campaigns will continue to expand, as lenders need to meet the expectations of internet users looking for quality loans at excellent interest rates.

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Troy Wilson

About Troy Wilson

Troy is the CEO and founder of Aged Lead Store. He has been in the lead generation industry for over two decades. His blog posts focus on how to refine your sales process and get the most out of your insurance leads, mortgage leads, and solar leads.

Further Reading