Obviously, lots of consumers are starting the New Year out thinking about their health and life insurance. In the last couple of days I’ve had a flood of new aged insurance leads.
That means one very important thing for your insurance business. The online market is revealing a lot more customers than agents.
Sounds like a winning formula for a fast start in 2011, right?
Here’s the sad part…
You’re probably going to wait to buy leads. Instead you’re going to hope someone calls, shakedown your family again, and dial a few names from some old spreadsheet.
Please don’t be that guy or gal. Don’t start 2011 off behind the eight ball.
Here is a formula I see many of my successful insurance brokers and agents using:
1. Buy 500-1000 aged health insurance leads or life insurance leads, or both. This is the first step–a nice targeted list of interested insurance buyers. These are folks that raised their hands in the last 90 days and said, “Tell me about a Health or Life Insurance policy.” Then the Internet lead provider couldn’t place the lead (more leads than buyers).
That means for around $1 a lead you will be getting customer that is probably still in the market for insurance at an incredible discount.
2. Craft a nice email introduction. Of course, not all of these leads will be still in the market to buy. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be marketing to them over time, but you certainly want to segment the hot prospects as fast as possible. I suggest using email to grab the immediate attention of the buyers.
It doesn’t have to be long or flashy. Just tell them you are following up on their recent online request for information about health/life insurance. Let them know you will be following up with them the next day, but feel free to call or reply to the email to talk immediately.
If they reply, jump on it and take them off the insurance shopping market.
3. Write a good old fashion sales letter. I never stop at email (or even a phone call). You would be amazed at how effective a good old fashioned sales letter is these days. Many of these leads will go active much faster and with less objections will a direct mail piece.
Try it.
4. Watch their phones ring. Here’s the most exciting part…
If you do these steps–your phone will start ringing consistently.
5. Hit the list with a second email follow-up. Don’t stop your sales process with the here and now. Get this list into a regular cycle of valuable, educational drip marketing. Sold or not, everyone needs to investigate insurance from time to time. Getting them on your email list is likely to trigger that search (and drive them to you) faster.
That’s a sales recipe for at least 10 new deals this month!
Give me a call at 949-861-3122. I am flush with new health insurance leads and life insurance leads. You’re opportunity to fill that pipeline.