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Mortgage Leads are Easy, Qualified Leads are Aged

By Troy Wilson
2 minute read
⚠️ Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this article is accurate, neither its authors nor Aged Lead Store accepts responsibility for any errors or omissions. The content of this article is for general information only, and is not intended to constitute or be relied upon as legal advice.

Believe it or not most mortgage and debt shops are not hurting for leads. Chances are they are paying too much for real-time unqualified leads. You see leads are easy–lots of people are nervous about the economy and their mortgage. The real question is, how do I get cheaper, qualified leads? The answer: aftermarket Internet leads.

Real-time Mortgage Leads

Real-time mortgage leads are built on the premise that people go to the Internet for speed. Consequently, real-time lead providers have built systems and processes that generate huge volumes of leads and deliver them immediately with little or no quality control.

The paradigm worked wonders in a (past) market where everyone needed to refinance and profits ran high. This is not that market. The credit crunch has led to surges in unqualified lead volume, at the same prices.

So, as you look at your marketing budget and sales production you may notice a big disconnect. Meanwhile, your sales floor is up in arms over bad, unqualified leads.

Ready-to-Close Aged Mortgage Leads

Mortgage Leads

$ 0.40
Per Lead 15-85 Days Old
Buy Mortgage Leads

Aged Mortgage Leads

Time to re-align your marketing and sales objectives.

Sales needs leads to survive and produce, but marketing has to come inline with current sales revenue. That means getting more efficient or finding cheaper lead sources.

Chances are banks and mortgage company‘s credit standards, combined with lead generation filtering challenges are going to make getting more efficient tough. So, that leads you to reduce your spend and preserve quality.

Aged mortgage leads are the strategy a lot of mortgage businesses are pursuing. These aftermarket Internet leads offer a dramatic cut to your marketing spend for essentially the same quality marketing methods.

Good Quality, Right Price

Add to this the gains you can get by additional data enhancements and cleansing that quality aged lead providers do and you are back in the money.

Look for aftermarket leads that are generated with reputable marketing methods, find a good aftermarket lead aggregator, one that enhances the data and you have a winning lead strategy.

Next Wave Marketing Strategies brings over 5 years of integrity, innovation, and client satisfaction to the aged mortgage leads market. We offer industry leading quality control, data cleansing, and a generous return policy to empower you to build your business in the fastest, most cost effective manner. Learn more about aged mortgage leads.

photo credit: tnarik

Troy Wilson

About Troy Wilson

Troy is the CEO and founder of Aged Lead Store. He has been in the lead generation industry for over two decades. His blog posts focus on how to refine your sales process and get the most out of your insurance leads, mortgage leads, and solar leads.

Further Reading