Chances are your CRM is full of leads and prospects, but every month you are below your sales goal. So, is your CRM lying to you?
Technically, no. But, you are certainly measuring the wrong things. The number of leads in your database is not a reflection of your future opportunity–unless you are moving through them. Creating a systematic way to work your leads is the key to success. Knowing how to prioritize and follow-up is critical.
Probably the most important step to getting your debt or mortgage CRM in motion is to status your leads. Develop a methodology to mark your leads according to where they are in the sales process. This will give you continual, snapshot visibility into the effectiveness of your sales process. Are things moving from prospect to sales? Are you getting referrals from closed deals?
Ready-to-Close Aged Mortgage Leads
Adding status to your leads will push you and the rest of your sales force to move deals forward.
Deals moving forward is going to be immediately evident as you look at what leads are in various statuses. However, as you get that level of visibility you are going to start wanting to get more efficient. This is where tracking comes into play. How smoothly and routinely are leads moving from one status to the next. Are there choke points? Are there consistent points where deals fall-out? Why?
Tracking your leads and status progression will give you a sense of the effectiveness of your sales process.
As the old adage goes, “what gets measured gets improved.” Sales is no exception. Begin to measure week-over-week, month-over-month sales performance. You will have more immediate feedback on what is working and what isn’t. Maybe even who is working and who isn’t. THe most important element of measurement is the establishment of benchmarks and results.
Benchmarks and results help you to understand the results you can yield from a specific level of lead flow and effort. Assisting you in learning to scale your business.
Back to the CRM. The lead management software you use is important. However, it does not need to be the most complex. In fact, simplicity has its benefits. Your CRM software should allow you to status, track, and measure with little or no effort. It’s primary function should be to help put your leads in motion. This means taking those elements and establishing priorities–making lead selection an automated process.
So much time is wasted in CRM systems selecting and sorting leads. Pick a debt or mortgage CRM that makes this simple.
Expectation (goal) setting is second only to status in improving the performance of your leads. It is funny how setting a goal or expectation for your performance often leads to its accomplishment. There is something inherent in human nature that likes to take a goal and achieve or even shatter it.
Make sure your expectations for yourself and your team are clear. Post them front and center in your CRM, on the wall, in your work space. It will happen!
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