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Insurance Marketing Strategy-Turn to Aged Insurance Leads

By Troy Wilson
3 minute read
⚠️ Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this article is accurate, neither its authors nor Aged Lead Store accepts responsibility for any errors or omissions. The content of this article is for general information only, and is not intended to constitute or be relied upon as legal advice.
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Consumers are quickly making the Internet their primary destination for insurance shopping. They like the simplicity and convenience of comparing multiple quotes. They also seem to enjoy avoiding sales people (you) until they are educated and ready to buy. This, of course, makes your job much easier–assuming you are capturing all these interested leads.

Unfortunately, chances are that you are not Internet marketing savvy enough to attract all these hand-raising insurance prospects. That’s where an Internet lead provider can help.

Leverage Internet Marketing Expertise

Good Internet lead providers are companies that specialize in Internet marketing. All they do everyday, all day is think about is how to attract and convert customers in your market. Learn to leverage this expertise.

You already have an expertise–selling insurance. Taking the time to learn to drive Internet traffic, produce compelling content, design attractive landing pages, and get visitors to convert is an enormous distraction from your core business. Not to mention how incredibly expensive it can be, especially while you’re learning.

Aged insurance leads can reduce this risk even lower. These are professionally generated Internet leads, but have been allowed to aged (often due to more supply than buyers can purchase). This reduces their price, but not necessarily their value.

Focus on What You Do Best

Buying Internet insurance leads allows you to do what you do best. In addition, it can give you the piece of mind that your marketing is taken care of by professionals. Even if you get the wrong lead provider at first, you can quickly re-engage a better “marketing department.”

Focusing on what you do best should not be taken lightly. It will also make you a better lead buyer. Instead of trying to learn how to attract the right prospects via the Web, focus on defining your ideal prospect to the lead provider. This will help them make you more successful and keep you focused on what kind of prospects you can convert into policies.

Increase the Quality of Your Prospects

The big benefit to adopting an Internet lead provider strategy for your insurance marketing is simple–your leads get better. My guess is that your current marketing plan has you advertising on grocery carts, bus benches, local newspapers, and trolling community service organizations and networking groups. In general, these simply stretch your budget and time thin on the hopes your message will fall on the right eyes or ears.

Buying Internet leads is quite the opposite. You are simply buying those who have expressed an interest in your call about insurance leads.

Aged insurance leads can be a solid marketing strategy for anyone in the insurance business, from independent agent or broker all the way up to a large insurance company call center. The power is in letting experts in Internet marketing bring you eager and interested prospects–consumers that have asked to be called. And if you are just looking to get into the Internet lead game or want to reduce you marketing spend, aged insurance leads are the best opportunity in the Internet lead market.

How to Use Aged Leads in Your Overall Sales and Marketing Plan
How to Use Aged Leads in Your Overall Sales and Marketing Plan
Learn how to increase lead flow, improve lead quality, and make more sales with help from Aged Lead Store.
Troy Wilson

About Troy Wilson

Troy is the CEO and founder of Aged Lead Store. He has been in the lead generation industry for over two decades. His blog posts focus on how to refine your sales process and get the most out of your insurance leads, mortgage leads, and solar leads.

Further Reading