Obtaining insurance leads using Facebook is an efficient way to increase your potential customer base. The friendly interaction between Facebook users creates an atmosphere in which you can meet leads online and then follow up with them via Facebook and e-mail until you and your potential client feel comfortable speaking with each other and actually discussing insurance matters face-to-face or by phone.
The first step to obtaining insurance referrals via Facebook is to set up a commercial page and profile. Insurance sales tips on Facebook begin, though, with being professional and with avoiding the hard sell. This means that your aim on Facebook is first and foremost to meet people by sharing your expert insurance advice with them.
So, on your profile, make sure to mention you are an insurance agent as well as the types of insurance you offer. Then, add some of your personal interests so that it does not appear that your only goal is to make a sale. Remember that sometimes insurance leads do not come from your direct contacts, but rather from others whom you meet in the course of online interaction and who might in turn recommend you to a prospective client.
Your page and your posts should be organized and informative. Post one or two articles related to various forms of insurance or insurance-related topics whenever you have a chance to log into Facebook. However, intersperse these with friendly interaction that remains professional, as well as with helpful articles regarding subjects that might only be tangentially related to your insurance sales efforts.
For instance, if you are an auto insurance specialist, by all means post information about how to get the lowest rates, and occasionally mention or include a link to your own website or other contact details. And also post an occasional friendly or helpful piece of information, such as car maintenance recommendations or information on car purchasing or financing. But don’t forget humor – if you find a funny, but appropriate, video about an auto crash or auto theft online, and it is not clearly a sales pitch, certainly post it on your page and link the post to your Facebook wall.
You should not be selling insurance on Facebook; instead you should be generating leads by establishing yourself as a good Facebook friend to have and a valued member of the Facebook community who is an expert on insurance and everything related to whatever your insurance covers. As a service provider, you should keep in mind that you are providing a service when you post on Facebook as well, and that people will appreciate your free service by remembering you and contacting you when they need your paid, professional service as well.
One final bit of advice – the most basic of insurance sales tips for Facebook is never to spam. Do not create events or make posts that will generate private messages or requests for action on your friends’ walls unless you really have something special to share.