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Sales Prospecting – Focus on Why You Do What You Do

Troy Wilson
By Troy Wilson
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4 minute read
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Sales ProspectingThere is a reason you got out of bed this morning, went to the office, and spent hours on the phone sales prospecting and cold calling leads. Building a sales pipeline is hard work, and the true payoff is sometimes months or years away. So why do you do what you do?

What Is Your Why?

Why? That’s one of the most important questions you can ask yourself every morning. And the answer you tell yourself is the key to more successful sales prospecting.

The answer will, by necessity, be personal and individual. But we can talk about some generalities. Some work hard to give their children a better life. Some do it to make their mark on the world. Others are focused on providing the world with a life-changing solution.

Why Your Why Matters

It matters less what your reason is, and more that you know what it is. Your reason for doing what you do is a foundation upon which you can build a great sales business. Excitement for the moment can come and go, but having that purpose can be a well you can draw from when needed.

How Mindset Grows Sales

Asking these kinds of metaphysical questions may seem pretty far removed from your day-to-day sales work, but there’s a method to this madness. Consciously thinking about and focusing on the right questions and answers has been shown to improve sales performance.

It’s called mindset, and it’s the best sales strategy you’ve never heard of! To some degree, all sales training emphasizes having the right mindset, such as a positive, confident, can-do attitude, before making a call or meeting with a client. But mindset training can go farther.

A strong self-concept of yourself in your work is a good start. While we all need to keep one foot on the ground, even if we have our head in the clouds, your sales benefit when you feel good about yourself. Think of it this way: If you rate your abilities a 5 out of 10, you’re telling yourself you’re mediocre. It follows that with that mindset your sales will also be mediocre.

Of course, you may not yet be an honest 10 out of 10. That’s perfectly fine. But how you get better matters. With mindset training, many folks learn to be their own inner coach. Learn to tap into how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling less capable or dwelling on a lost sale, make a point of shifting your focus from a negative “I suck” attitude to a more productive “I can learn how to improve” attitude.

How Balance Matters

Nonetheless, a healthy mindset will only get you so far. Next, you have to put in the effort, use the right tools, and find a balance.

Balance is important. The best sales prospecting will come from having a good attitude, putting in consistent effort, and using the right sales tools to get the job done.

Of course, none of this comes easily right away. You have to practice. Aged leads are a great way to get started improving your mindset, building good habits, and using your sales tools. You can get started easily with a full pipeline of leads, available for an affordable price. Best of all the ROI of aged leads can greatly exceed that of real-time exclusive leads. And while you may have to dig through a lot of no’s to get to the sales within an aged leads batch, remember to focus on why you do what you do.

Get started today with a fresh supply of high-quality aged insurance leads from The Aged Lead Store. You’ll find thousands of sortable aged leads, ready to boost your sales, whether your business is auto, life, health, Medicare supplement or homeowners insurance, annuities, auto warranty coverage, mortgage refinance, or solar installation.

How to Use Aged Leads in Your Overall Sales and Marketing Plan
Get Our Guide: How to Use Aged Leads in Your Overall Sales and Marketing Plan
There are so many ways to improve business through sales and marketing. But to improve sales, it all comes down to quality leads. Aged leads are low in cost yet high in value. We’ll show you how they fit into overall sales and marketing efforts to grow your business.
Troy Wilson

About Troy Wilson

Troy is the CEO and founder of Aged Lead Store. He has been in the lead generation industry for over two decades. His blog posts focus on how to refine your sales process and get the most out of your insurance leads, mortgage leads, and solar leads.

Further Reading